What Is Addiction?

Change Is Possible

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The term “Addiction” is classed as a chronic disease and refers to both a psychological and physical condition where an individual develops an inability to stop consuming alcohol, a chemical, drug, activity, or other substance despite the fact that it may well be causing psychological and physical harm to themselves.

Addiction also refers to the fact that individuals who cannot stop taking a particular drug (whether prescribed or illicit), alcohol or chemicals, can develop “substance dependence”.

In addition, there can be “behavioral addictions” in some individuals which refers to the inability to stop partaking in activities such as gambling, eating, having sex or even working.

When an individual develops an addiction, they lose control of their behavior and use of their substance of choice or activity and they become dependent on it simply to deal and cope with their daily lives.

Most individuals start using alcohol, drugs or first engage in an activity voluntarily, however for some individuals this can soon spiral out of control and they can become addicted!

In the UK alone it is estimated that every year drug misuse costs the NHS approximately £4.8bn per year, and alcohol misuse is estimated to cost the NHS around £3.5bn per year (These statistics where researched from: https://digital.nhs.uk/data-and-information).

Addiction Versus Misuse

Addiction Versus Misuse

It is important to note that not all individuals who misuse alcohol, drugs, or certain activities are not necessarily addicted to them.

Addiction and misuse are different!

Misuse refers to the incorrect, excessive, or non-therapeutic use of body and/or mind-altering substances or activities, whereas addiction is a chronic long-term illness where an individual cannot moderate or cease intake or activity.

For example, a person who drinks alcohol heavily on a night out may experience both the euphoric and harmful effects of the substance.

However, this does not mean they are addicted. Addiction develops when the individual starts to feel the need to consume this amount of alcohol on a regular basis, often alone in isolation and at certain times of the day not usually associated as being “normal”, such as first thing in the morning or at times which are likely to cause impairment during regular activities such as work.

For an individual who has not yet developed an addiction, they may well be deterred of further use because of the harmful side effects that alcohol or substance misuse can have, such as nausea, vomiting, hangovers, headaches, disorientation etc.

Those individuals who have developed an addiction will continue to misuse regardless of the consequences and harmful effects both to themselves and those around them.


The primary symptoms and indications of addiction are:

  • uncontrollably seeking their substance or activity of choice
  • uncontrollably engaging in harmful levels of habit-forming behaviors
  • neglecting or losing interest in activities that do not involve the harmful substance or behavior
  • relationship difficulties with friends, colleagues and family, which can often provoke aggressive or abusive behavior towards those people who identify their dependency
  • an inability to stop using their substance of choice, even though it may be causing them health or personal problems, such as issues with relationships or employment
  • hiding substances or behaviors and otherwise exercising secrecy, for example, by lying about where they may have been, making excuses or refusing to explain injuries that occurred while under the influence
  • there may be profound changes in appearance with a more disheveled look about them and also including a noticeable neglect of personal hygiene
  • increased risk-taking, both to access their substance of choice or activity and while using it or engaging in it
Symptoms of Withdrawal


When a person has an addiction and they stop taking their substance of choice or engaging in their behaviors, they may experience certain symptoms.

These symptoms can include:

  • severe anxiety
  • irritability and short tempered
  • severe sweating
  • tremors and shaking
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • fatigue
  • a loss of appetite

If an individual has been regularly using alcohol or benzodiazepines and they stop suddenly or without medical supervision, withdrawal can be fatal!

Support Groups and Counseling


Support groups, both one-to-one and group therapy and rehabilitation programs are an important part and can be vital to an individuals recovery.

Significant advances in medications and progress in diagnosing have drastically helped the medical community over recent years develop various ways to manage and resolve addiction.

Some common methods include:

  • behavioral therapy and counseling
  • medication and drug-based treatments
  • medical devices to treat withdrawal
  • treating related psychological factors, such as depression and anxiety
  • ongoing care programs and support groups to help reduce the risk of relapse

All individuals are different and addiction treatment is usually highly personalized and often requires the support of the individual’s community and/or family.

Treatment can take a long time and may be complicated and even frustrating at times. Addiction is a chronic condition with a range of psychological and physical effects and factors. Each substance or behavior may require different types of management.

Addiction – Key points:

Addiction is a serious, chronic dependence on a substance or activity. The prevalence of addiction costs the UK alone billions of pounds every year.

An individual with an addiction is unable to cease consuming a substance or engaging in a certain behavior, even though it can have harmful effects themselves, those close to them and on their daily living.

It is important to note that addiction and misuse are different. Substance misuse does not always lead to addiction, while addiction involves an obsessive and regular misuse of substances or engagement in harmful behaviors.

Symptoms of addiction often include declining physical health, irritation, aggression, fatigue, and an inability to cease using a substance or engaging in a behavior. Addiction can lead to behaviors that can put severe strains on relationships and can affect and inhibit daily activities.

Ceasing to use the substance or engage in the behavior often leads to withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, severe sweating, tremors and shaking. Do not attempt to suddenly stop using alcohol or benzodiazepines without medical supervision!

Addiction treatments can be difficult and frustrating at times, but they can be effective. The best form of treatment depends on the substance and the presentation of the addiction and as all individuals are different varies from person to person. However, treatment often involves counseling, medication, and community support.

#recovery #charity #addiction #community #betterwayrecovery #changeispossible

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