Betterway Recovery Page Banner Betterway Recovery Logo Welcome To Betterway Recovery Substance Misuse And
Addiction Community
Change Is Possible
Betterway Recovery Page Banner Free Confidential Addiction Advice Betterway Recovery Logo Are You, Or Do You Know Someone Suffering
With Alcohol Or Substance Misuse?
We Are Here To Help!
Betterway Recovery Page Banner Don't Know Where To Turn? We Offer A Safe And Secure Place
Friendly Confidential Chat And Groups
With Likewise People Who Understand!
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Betterway Recovery Page Banner Advice, Help And Support Betterway Recovery Logo For People, Their Families And Friends
Who Maybe Experiencing Or Facing
Addiction And Substance Misuse
Betterway Recovery Page Banner Betterway Recovery Logo With On-going Support From People Who Have Been There
Helping You To Find
Your Road to Recovery
Betterway Recovery Page Banner Come And See Us Or Get In Touch No Referral Needed, Just Drop-in
Even If It's Just For A Cuppa!
You Will Always Be Welcome!
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Welcome to Betterway Recovery

Change Is Possible

Motivational Quote!


Better Way Recovery

Registered Charity No: 1193773

The National Lottery Community Fund Logo
Funded By The National Lottery Community Fund

On March 11th, 2021, Better Way Recovery became a registered Charity.

From a vision has come a reality. Our Centre opened its doors on November 1st 2021.

Now, anyone in the Lichfield District & Tamworth can get support, locally, 6 days a week from people with lived experience of addiction.

“We believe everyone affected by addiction deserves an opportunity to recover.”

It’s time to change the negative stigma of addiction!


“We are the change that proves change is possible for you too!”

Have you ever tried to stop or control your Drug or Alcohol use?

Is your Drug or Alcohol use affecting your home life?

Do you want to change the way you are living your life?

If the answer to any of these questions is “Yes” then please contact us HERE today!

Some Of Our Clients Now In Recovery - Change Is Possible!

If you are suffering, or you know someone who is suffering please call 07897 280476, we might be able to help.

On behalf of everyone at Better Way Recovery we would like to thank all our supporters who have helped us along this journey.

Please follow us on Facebook @betterwayrecovery, Twitter @bwrecovery and Instagram @betterwayrecovery so we can keep you updated with our latest news and any upcoming events.

Today is the day for change!

Give yourself a break and get in touch here.

Please Take Some Time To Watch Our Short Introductory Video

What We Offer

Here are the services, help and support that are

available at Better Way Recovery

  • Peer mentoring support by people who have been there
  • Phone Support
  • Group work looking at the problem and how to get to the solution
  • Multi-Agency support and introductions to local support groups
  • Preventative and awareness talks in local schools, colleges and community groups
  • A safe place to go
  • A holistic person centred approach
  • Volunteer training and opportunities
  • Outreach work in the community
  • Family support

For more information about our Services please visit our “Services” page here.

Better Way Recovery Mission Statement

Our Vision:

To create a recovery community in Lichfield District and Tamworth, where service users feel hope and togetherness. Where services users feel that change is actually possible for them too.

Our Mission:

To create a safe, respectful environment in the Lichfield District and Tamworth, for people with substance misuse problems. Run and supported by service users with many years’ experience in active addiction, whom have all found a Better Way to live life in recovery.

To help, encourage and support service users, out of the problem and into a positive solution. We will lead with a recovery focused, person centred approach. We will help develop new coping skills and life tools, shared, and led by people who have been in similar situations and found a way out. For us, this type of experience is unparalleled.

We will do this by working alongside all key agencies in the area, developing a network of contacts to assist with individual’s needs. We will provide signposting and peer support for education, volunteering opportunities, work, family support and introductions to local recovery support groups.

While we have all heard of the negative ripple effect of addiction. We believe strongly in the positive ripple effect of recovery. We know the impact of recovery on an individual’s life, family life and society as a whole is limitless. We believe that this will not only save lives but change lives and that is why we are so passionate about our purpose here at Better Way Recovery.

What some of our clients have to say…

“Never alone, never again!”

Daisy Jackson ~ Volunteer.

“From bottles of wine on the street, to new shoes on your feet!”

Luke Davies ~ Volunteer.

“I want to use my story to pass a message on to help others!”

Alex Morris ~ Support Worker.

“I’m passionate about helping people like me from “Crack Dens” to clean time!”

Ash ~ Volunteer.

“Hello, my name is Carole and I’m an alcoholic. I have been in addiction for just over 25 years. I first got introduced to Better Way by a friend in March 22, I was a very lost and broken lady emotionally, physically and spiritually. I didn’t know where to turn after having a relapse after 10 months clean. I didn’t have…

Carole's Story

“The first time I met Linda was at the Better Way Family Support Group, which she facilitates, I was completely lost and broken. I was simply existing, holding so much sadness, anxiety, anger, and resentment inside me because, everywhere I tried to turn…

Mystery Profile Image

“On my return to the UK after falling very ill overseas, I realized that I needed support to fight, beat and recover from my addiction to alcohol misuse. During the third week of July this year, on recommendation, I contacted Better Way for their help…

Bill's Story

“Hello, my name is Chloe and I am an addict. I have been in the madness for the past 10 years. My life has been absolute chaos. Everything I did and everywhere I went I caused carnage. I have suffered a lot of traumas. I have felt very…

Chloe's Story

“My name is Arron and I am an addict. This is my journey. Better Way Recovery is so important to our community and surrounding area because this disease kills people! Not everyone makes it. I am one of the lucky ones, so grateful I found Better Way. When I first went…

Arron's Story

“It’s vital for these services to be up and running to support those who have lost their way and feel they have no where to turn, for them to see first hand that recovery is possible, we are all united together to finally live a better life” ?

Zoe Tipton ~ Staff & Volunteer

“It’s hard to put into words what Betterways has done for me! Before I came to Better Way Recovery I had no life, no friends and no hope. Now that’s slowly changing, doors are opening, thank you!” ?

Mark Ransome ~ Volunteer.

“There’s nothing more I love to see than the light come on in someone’s eyes!” ?

Sarah Dean ~ Support Worker.

“Giving back is an integral part of my life. Somebody gave me the message to carry, so that’s what I’ll do!” ?

Sam Hogan-Cooper ~ Volunteer

“Recovery is possible, and there is no better place to turn for community based help with substance misuse than Better Way” ?

Steve Ganley ~ Volunteer

“I volunteer at Better Way Recovery because I have a personal connection, as a member of my family is an addict. I feel that everybody deserves support and help through their recovery. Alongside this, I have found help myself as I now attend the Family Support Group myself” ?

Emma Yates ~ Volunteer

Latest News

  • The end of an era! 😥😁🙏💙 Tuesday is our last day at Upper St John Street, Lichfield . For over 3 years this has been our first home. Nearly 1000 people have come through…

  • We are proud to announce that from December 2nd Betterways will be in Burton every Monday and Thursday 11am -2pm. We will be running a support group 12pm – 1.30pm from the new STARS Building…

  • Thank you. Thank you. Thank you ❤️🙏

    They did it! 👏 🙌 😍

    Our 4th annual sleepout and funday raised almost £4500! ❤️

    Big well done to…

Inspirational Stories

  • National Recovery Month 2023 – Today we celebrated National Recovery Month. What a Powerful Day!🌄💯🙏❤️So much unity, loads…

  • “Hello, my name is Carole and I’m an alcoholic. I have been in addiction for just over 25 years. I first got introduced to Better Way by a friend in…

  • “Hello, my name is Chloe and I am an addict. I have been in the madness for the past 10 years. My life has been absolute…


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Funded by:

Lichfield District - Community Safety Partnership
Tamworth Borough Council
Community Fund
Commissioners Locality Deal Fund
Lichfield District Council
Easy Fundraising
Play Lichfield Community Lottery

Members of:

Support Staffordshire
Member of SCVYS 2021