Motivational Quote!
Meet Our Trustees
Kathleen Griffith
“Having seen and felt what
addiction does to a family, I
know how vital this support
is to a person trying to stop
using drugs”
Jane Smith
“As a family living in the
Lichfield District area we had
no pathway for advice or
support and we truly believed
we were on our own and could
not be helped“
Danielle Byatt
“There is nothing more special
for me than seeing someone
who is lost and broken come
back to life! Which is what I
believe Betterway Recovery
will bring to Lichfield“
The Better Way Recovery Charity Trustee Board:
- Hannah Kennedy (Secretary)
- Kathleen Griffith (Treasurer)
- Jane Smith
- Danielle Byatt (Chair)
The Vision
The vision for Better Way Recovery came during the COVID-19 pandemic. From our experience, from a curse comes a blessing. That is the reality of anyone finding recovery from active addiction. Peter Griffith (our founder) believes now more than ever before is time for change in the Lichfield district. Throughout his journey he has met some amazing people and that is how the Trustee Board was formed.
Our Board have all been touched by addiction in one form or another, be it in active addiction themselves, or family members of loved ones who were suffering. Our combined experience today is we have all found recovery and the joys that brings. Families have been reunited, dreams have been awakened and society has began to heal. Our common goal is to help others find that freedom too.
What we have achieved in such a short period of time has been nothing short of a miracle. An idea has grown into a reality. This has happened through the selfless drive of the Trustee Board and the passion for Better Way Recovery’s purpose.
We are constantly looking for others to join our board with the same drive, determination and passion that has got us to this point. We have the perfect combination of lived experience and professionalism.
Our motives are pure, and we are committed to doing things in the correct way and believe that our service has never been needed more in the Lichfield District.
Meet Our Staff & Volunteers
Peter Griffith
Our Founder ~ Staff
“The vision for Better Way recovery arrived after a phone call with the Police during the first lockdown. They asked if I would speak to someone in active addiction, something…”
Linda Easto
Family Recovery Coach ~ Volunteer
“I am Linda Easto, a Family Recovery Coach – Drugs and Alcohol. I have 25 years lived experience supporting my addicted son, who is now in recovery”
Amy Moore
Office Manager ~ Staff
“I originally joined the charity as a trustee, the warmth and compassion I experienced in the room was infectious, so when the opportunity to apply for the manager role came up I had to go for it… the rest is history!”
Emma Bate
Support Worker
“We’re all just walking each other home -Ram Dass”
Barbie Lilburn
Support Worker
“I really love coming to Better Way Recovery as it helps me stay on the path of recovery and also lets me help others to find their path to recovery. What a blessing that is!“
Sarah Dean
Support Worker
“There’s nothing more I love to see than the light come on in someone’s eyes!”
Alex Morris
Support Worker
“I want to use my story to pass a message on to help others!”
Daisy Jackson
“Never alone, never again!”
“I’m passionate about helping people like me from “Crack Dens” to clean time!”
Jack Gaunt
“In the end it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. May Better Way Recovery be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out!”
Jamie Stevens
Support Worker
“Walking the recovery path with Better Ways growing with love and hope!”
Sarah Fellows
“Proud to be a part of the magic in recovery!”
Lindsey Turner
“I feel very grateful and privileged to be able to volunteer for Better Way Recovery. This service saved my life!”
Shannon McCarney
“This team helped to keep me clean, so to now be a part of it to help others makes me so grateful. Anything is possible!”
“Betterway helped changed my life! Now with compassion and love, I show my gratitude giving back what was freely given to me. ~ Sharron X ❤️”
Mark Ransome
Volunteer ~ Web Developer
“I love helping people, and if I can make them happy, then that makes me happy!”
If you wish to become a volunteer for Better Way Recovery, please see our “Volunteering” page for more details here.
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