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Better Way Recovery Opens It’s Doors In Tamworth
September is National Recovery Month. 🙏
To celebrate this Better Way is proud to announce we will be extending our services into Tamworth.
Due to the much needed support for people with addiction and substance misuse in the area, Better Way Recovery in association with the local Council and Police has now opened it’s doors to clients in Tamworth! 👍
This is a major milestone for Betterways illustrating what we have done for clients in Lichfield and it’s surrounding areas providing our service to recovery seekers in need.
Groups will be every Tuesday and Friday beginning September 6th from 11am-3pm.
We will be based in:
OFFA House
Orchard Street
B79 7RE.
We would like to give a massive thank you to Tamworth Locality Deal Fund for supporting us and recognizing the need for support to those struggling with drugs or alcohol in the Tamworth area.
Can you please spread the word! 🙏 ❤
#recovery #charity #addiction #community #betterwayrecovery #changeispossible
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Fantastic news guy’s, just brilliant! 🙏