Jane Smith ~ Trustee

Change Is Possible

Motivational Quote!

Jane Smith ~ Trustee

Meet Jane 💙

“Our Son struggled with life, to the point of him not wanting to live and as a Mom I felt as if I had failed him. He was broken and I couldn’t fix him no matter how hard I tried, I was totally powerless to do anything other than sit on the side-lines and watch his life fall apart time and time again. As a family we were continually trying to pick up the pieces, visited him in various prisons, had countless conversations but he was in total denial. He felt totally alone and we couldn’t reach him no matter how hard we tried. On being released from another spell in Prison his probation officer recommended he talk with someone who had also led a life of addiction and who was now living life in recovery. This person was Peter Griffith – the founder of Better Way Recovery.

That chance meeting was the beginning of the rest our Son’s life and our family being whole again. He has now been in recovery for almost 2 years and works full-time to support others to follow their path to a better life, more importantly he lives a fulfilling and happy life.

As a family living in the Lichfield District area we had no pathway for advice or support and we truly believed we were on our own and could not be helped. The need for substance misuse services in the area is absolute, and I am very proud to be part of the Better Way Recovery Trustee Board. Our services will support individuals who find themselves dealing with the disease of addiction and by working closely with other key agencies we will provide outreach work to seek the most vulnerable and aim to catch those falling through the net.”

#recovery #charity #addiction #community #betterwayrecovery #changeispossible

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