Arron’s Story

Change Is Possible

Motivational Quote!

Arron's Story

Read Arron’s Story:

“My name is Arron and I am an addict. This is my journey. Better Way Recovery is so important to our community and surrounding area because this disease kills people! Not everyone makes it. I am one of the lucky ones, so grateful I found Better Way. When I first went, I kept relapsing, it was hard but I kept turning up.

The love and support I got down there by the amazing staff, volunteers and other addicts gave me the strength not to give up. I remember a volunteer for Better Way shared her story with me;- her story was similar to mine and she got clean without going into treatment. I just wanted what she had, so Pete came up with a plan for me. I had to ring him everyday when I finished work, because that’s when I wanted to use the most.

By doing this it really helped me, it took the power out of my obsession to use. I did this for a month. I also remember I was on day 3 of being clean and was on a walk round Chase Water. The obsession to use was so strong and I was fighting it all day. We got back to the centre and I was going to use. As I went, Pete offered me a lift home. Luckily for me I accepted the lift, Pete knew there was something wrong and that chat on the way home helped me so much. I never used that day and I knew then that I could do this.

If I had used that day I could be still out there in the madness, or even worse dead, but I’m not. I am 7 months and 15 days clean. I have never been so happy! 😊 I have never laughed so much and my life is a million times better than it was. My relationships are improving all the time with family and loved ones. I have made some amazing new friends and even though I can’t get down to Better Way as much now because of work, I know it’s always there for me and that in itself is massive, knowing you’re not alone.

So, anyone out there who is struggling or at the end of the road and is willing to work hard, Better Way is the place for you.

Thank you Better Way for a life I didn’t think was possible and congratulations on your 1 year! I hope there will be many more to come.

Love from one very grateful recovering addict 💯❤🙏👊”


#recovery #charity #addiction #community #betterwayrecovery #changeispossible

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